Check out this Blog

Please check out this new Blog of mine, all about coupons and freebies and how to and tips and yes freebies for photographers, its a new baby that is growing.  I need followers I will follow back…..

I love saving money it has been a new love, buying alot of things with coupons and not paying that much and when i say not that much I guess you will just have to see the post. Ha ha Ha….

I plan to revamp this page and get back into the swings of things I had to take a break. Family issues and few deaths, just things out of my control.

I am back and loving life…. Hope to see ya on the new blog to…. 🙂


Guest-o-graphers not something good at a wedding

This is so true… I have had this happen to me more then I care to say. Then the client looks at you like it’s your fault… Please all bride to be please read this after all you are paying alot of money for your photos for your weddings.. If your hiring a photographer you don’t need guest-graphers at your wedding. tell them to put the camera down, turn off all cell phones.

unplugged-wedding2pp_w897_h596-copySomething to think about…




Happy mothers day mom!

My mom is a strong half Indian woman, she roofed she cleaned houses she was a nurse all to make sure I had every I ever needed.

She taught me how to sit like a lady and taught me to say please and thank you. She taught me to love and give everything I have. She taught me about Jesus and how to pray. I love this woman.


A mother never has a day off they will be a boss, a taxi driver a banker and maid, they are a judge and lawyer, and reporter and driver, and cook. They are a doctor and nurse moms never rest. From the moment to the first kicked til the day they die they love you 24/7.

Everyone has a mom and they tell you they don’t they are lying they would not be here if they didn’t. So here is to you moms.


Her Hands

© Maggie Pittman
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn’t always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harms way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.

Source: Her Hands, Mother Poem

Sneak Peek of my NEW website and a awesome sale

Hi-hola-hello- heeeyyyyyyyyyyyy,

I thought I would give my wordpress peeps a sneak peek OF MY NEW WEBSITE before I launch it. I still have a few more pages to go but over all it looks great and fits me.

A website should speak about you and this one does. I am a awesome photographer with alot to offer and it’s sad how there alot of people out there that don’t like, hate and get so jealous of what you do and that goes for everything anyone does. They will lie and do anything to bring you down.

I love what I do and I have a passion for it, I do free sessions on a whim, I do service with my church always. I go do fun sessions just because I am feeling it. I have a talent that GOD gave and with behind me I will do my BEST!

So he it is please show it some love and you just might tap your toes to the beat…..


Also here is a sneak peek of an awesome sale going up on Sat. I’ll post link to buy when they send it to me with Living Social to…. I super excited I just had to share with you great people first.

Here is a sample of a coupon that will go up on sat.

Here is a sample of a coupon that will go up on sat.

Thank you so much for viewing it….. TERRI xoxo

P.s Need to say happy birthday to my beautiful daughter in that photo on the coupon. she is 22 years old please wish her a happy birthday I love her so much…. she is my everything and my back….


OMG! We are so excited about our NEW website… We will be having a RE-LAUNCH very soon. I can NOT wait! I went through the should I make this my old blog and get a new one or should I re-launch this one to with new new photos new blogs, but same Passion and I am going to re-launch this blog but keep it I just don’t wont to loose all you and start all over.

I am not one to blog with alot of words I do not like to write alot. Hahaha

So in a few days I will be relaunching so stay tune….. can not wait.


The Rare Atala Butterfly

So by my house in Arch Creek is a plant called the coontie plant and the Atala Butterfly feeds off it. If no plant no butterfly…. so here are some photos I took today of the butterfly..

Here it is before it hatches on the right one is eating it looks like and on the top left is one that has hatched.

Thanks for viewing…. TerriLynn

Ps. I am so glad I am getting to learn so much about this butterfly that is so rare and only can be found in only a few places…

Vogue Published…..

So I woke up to an email, A few more photos have been picked.. and alot of been turned down. But that just makes me keeping try and keep going to find what Vogue wants to see. So a few days ago I went for a walk with my son and I was behind him taking photos of butterflies and and other landscape and i saw my son turn off into a path so I walked up and didn’t see him so I crossed the bridge and found him sitting across on the bay jamming d(‘.’)b to his music and tapping his foot so here is the photo that I took and made it into Vogue.


Here is the one that I submitted first and they said NO! I like it in color to…


Here is another one that got picked a few days ago


and this one


Even when they say NO!!!! I just keep taking photos and turning them into ART for Vogue… Well I try..

Thanks for viewing… Terri

The Atala Butterfly

The Atala is one of Florida’s most distinctive and sought-after butterflies. These large, slow-moving hairstreaks are so tame that they don’t flinch when you touch them. It seems that they know they’re too toxic to eat, as their warning colors advertise!

So I was out walking with my camera and a guy said man you should take photos of those butterflies they are slowing dying out. I was like wow really… and it came out beautiful… they are so tiny… and I played around with my manual.. LOVE IT….


This is a photo of it caught up in a web

Thanks for viewing…. Terri